Wednesday 16 October 2013

Kopi C App is upgraded for iOS 7

This is the very first experimental app that I created.  It's finally a good time to revisit this app.  I have clean up the items so that all items have no price since the price was never accurate before.  It is quite easy to recompile and publish the old app.  Now the latest version 2.2.1 of Kopi C App supports both iOS6 and iOS7.

Kopi ordering screen

Screen with chosen orders

Add item screen

Shop screen

Teh Tarik menu

Tuesday 15 October 2013

Supporting iOS 7 with Three Quarter Tank Version 1.2.1

iOS 7 screens are amazing clean and elegant.

It took me a while to get used to the new Xcode 5.0 today. It's not too difficult but I got to read through the iOS 7 UI Transition Guideline to understand how to support both iOS 6 and 7.  I will support iOS 6 for limited period of 6 months.  After which, I will only support iOS 7.

Screen for 3/4 Mileage

Screen for Top Up Amount

Screen for Choosing Custom

iOS Maps App 
Fuel Efficiency Converter

Fuel Efficiency Calculator

Tuesday 8 October 2013

New Features in Three Quarter Tank Version 1.2.0

New Features in Version 1.2.0

In this version, I have added the following handy features.

1. Features a fuel efficiency converter to convert from litre/100km to km/litre.
Fuel Efficiency Converter
2. Features a fuel efficiency calculator with 3 simple input.
Fuel Efficiency Calculator
3. If current tank mileage is lower than 3/4 tank mileage, show remaining travelling distance to reach 3/4 tank.
Show Remaining Distance
4. Show starting location on distance to custom map.